How to get your little ones to (happily) brush their teeth!

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month and for any parent, you know how challenging it can be to get your children to want to brush their teeth. My own children constantly tell me the toothpaste is “too spicy” and I feel like most of the time I’m chasing them around before bedtime to get them to let me brush their teeth for 15-seconds…nowhere near the recommended time of brushing (2 minutes)!

This was the case until I was introduced (by full feedings very own Kelly) to Flossy the Mouse and its genius mama creator, Meg McNoble. Overnight, my kids went from fighting me to brush their teeth to begging me to brush, morning and night, because Flossy was watching and reporting back to the Tooth Fairy.

So, because Meg is awesome and a mom who figured out how to make a common parenting problem easier, I wanted to share a Q & A with her, so you can learn more about her, Flossy, and how to get your little people to enjoy brushing.

Tell me about you. Who you are? Kids? Animals? Anything fun and exciting about you.

My name is Meg McNoble; I live on Long Island with my husband Eddie and I am mom to two little girls, Maisie (almost 3) and Olivia (almost 2). I’m a CPA by day and an entrepreneur/children’s book author by night. It’s been so fun and rewarding to build this business from scratch, and I love that it’s been a creative outlet.

How did you come up with the idea for Flossy the Mouse?

I always dreamed of coming up with a “million-dollar idea.” One night while I was brushing my teeth, I started thinking about my daughter Maisie (who was only 4 months old at the time) and how I was going to get her to one day brush her teeth – it’s crazy, I know, as she didn’t even have teeth yet! I started to research if there was anything fun out there to encourage kids to brush their teeth every day and couldn’t find anything. Then it came to me: FLOSSY THE MOUSE! I ran upstairs, woke up my husband, made a couple of phone calls to get people’s thoughts. The next day I wrote the short story, and the following week reached out to our good family friend Nancy Depew – who’s now my business partner – to see if she would want to illustrate the story. Overall, everything came together naturally during the early COVID-19 lockdowns and when I received the finished product, it was everything I could have dreamt of and more.

Do you use it in your own home (if you have kids)?

My two daughters use Flossy daily. Whenever one of them doesn’t want to brush we look to Flossy and we giggle, and then they brush without me having to ask! It is truly amazing to see them excited to brush for Flossy. Growing up, I despised brushing my teeth, which led to arguments with my mom. Unfortunately, I did not realize the importance of brushing my teeth until it was too late and after spending thousands of dollars in restorative dental work. So, our family will definitely be using Flossy as my girls grow up.

Where do you hope to see Flossy the Mouse go?

Perched on top of every bathroom sink! In all seriousness, I hope to see Flossy evolve into a household name. I know first-hand how hard it can be to get kids to start and stick to a routine, just like getting them to go to bed. Flossy promotes good dental hygiene habits all while giving back, and I would love to continue donating toothbrushes to non-profit organizations that promote dental hygiene habits in kids. Many people don’t realize how many children lack daily necessities such as toothbrushes. One kit sold means one toothbrush donated!

Will Flossy ever have any companions?

Never say never – I can’t wait to see how Flossy evolves! Right now, Flossy is the Tooth Fairy’s eyes and ears, and it’s so fun to see how kids react to that.

Can you touch Flossy? (My kids need to know)

Yes! My girls love bringing Flossy all over the place – the house, when we travel, and most importantly to dentist visits. Flossy is a great companion for those who get nervous at the dentist office! We love hearing about adventures that Flossy as gone on with different families and we hope that people continue to share the fun they have together.

Anything else you want to share?

On our website, we have free printable activity sheets that parents can use to continue to encourage better brushing habits (e.g., New Year’s Resolution coloring sheet, Lost Tooth Report). It’s a fun way for kids to be creative while also learning how to take care of their teeth.

You can purchase your own Flossy here, and get 10% off with code FLOSSYFF.

Happy (easy) brushing, fam!